Unemployment Benefits Guide (PUA)
I am specifically writing this short post to talk about the unemployment benefits guide, especially PUA unemployment benefits.
As per the official website of the Pennsylvania Government, the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) provides up to 39 weeks of unemployment benefits to individuals not eligible for regular unemployment compensation or extended benefits, including those who have exhausted all rights to such benefits.
PUA benefits are only for individuals who are unemployed due to COVID-19 reasons, it does not cover:
- Individuals without an attachment to the labor market, or
- Individuals who are unemployed for non-COVID-19 reasons.
UC Claimants Exhausting Extended Benefits
You may be eligible for PUA benefits, but being eligible for PUA is not automatic.
Here are the factors to consider before applying for PUA:
- If at any time you re-qualify for another program, you must stop filing for PUA and apply for the other program. If your UC benefit year has ended, you should file a new regular UC claim to see if you qualify before opening a PUA claim.
- PUA is only for individuals who would otherwise be working but are unable to because of the current pandemic. To see if you’re eligible, review:
- Check eligibility: “How do I know if I am eligible for PUA?” FAQ.
- The PUA infographic
- The video illustrates who is NOT eligible for PUA.
- PUA is payable for a maximum of 39 weeks of benefits, but you must subtract any claim weeks for which you were paid at least $1 of regular UC or Extended Benefits since February 2, 2020. PEUC weeks are excluded.
- For example, if you received 18 weeks of UC payments and 9 weeks of EB payments, you may be eligible for 12 weeks of PUA (39 possible PUA weeks — 18 UC weeks — 9 EB weeks = 12 PUA weeks).
- The week ending Saturday, December 26 is the last payable week of the PUA program, regardless of how many weeks of benefits you may have to remain in your balance.
When completing the PUA application, remember that you do not financially qualify for regular UC if your UC benefit year is still active and you claimed all your available UC, PEUC, and EB benefits.
Check out this website to know your eligibility.